9 Months of Pregnancy

by | Feb 18, 2023 | Maternity

Changing, growing & glowing.

In this email, I wanted to share my favourite pregnancy resource that helped me through my own pregnancy. Hopefully, you’ll find it helpful too. It’s called 9 Months of Pregnancy: A Journey by Femcity Hospital. It covers all the changes happening to your body – and your growing baby – over the 9 months or 38 weeks of pregnancy which start from the first day of a women’s last menstrual cycle. Although the period of 9 months of pregnancy can seem a little scary, the ones who have had the honour of experiencing it know that it is one of the best feelings on Earth.

Momsy aims to help you feel beautiful throughout this special life period. Our pieces hug and love your changing body. They can be worn throughout your pregnancy and during breastfeeding. And when those parts are over, we bet you’ll still keep reaching for your Momsy pieces for playdates and lunches and grocery runs. You can shop our beautiful and comfy maternity collection here.

We’re so happy to have you in our Momsy community and sincerely hope you find this resource helpful.

Good luck Mama,


Owner & Founder of Momsy